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  Views: 3,399,125,142     09-27-24 04:21 AM  

Main Profile Light Knight's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
    Light Knight
    The Internet
Age / Birthday:
    36 / 04-21-88

Post Exp Words per Post
    276,083     72 avg
Posts Threads
    3,819     162
Viz: Gender:
    1,053,314     Male

CP: 11315.5 Trust Points: 32.8 Post Rating: 558
Position: Vizzed Elite
    Former Admin

Registration: 12-08-04 09:22 AM (7232 days ago)
Last Activity: 02-29-24 07:01 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: 01-23-24 07:38 AM
    in Legalized Assisted Suicide (Debate / Logic / News Discussion)
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Light Knight's Video Game Collection Systems

Light Knight's Video Game Collection
  Game / Hardware Name S:System,C:Controller,A:Accessory Completeness Condition Play Online Lend Trade For Sale Rarity Value
Hyrule Warriors Complete Very Good 3 $49.98
  Action    Acquired: Gift    Acquired Date: 9-09-14   
Splatoon Complete Like New $0.00
  Shooter    Acquired: Retail    Acquired Date: 6-01-15   
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Complete Very Good 4 $50.39
  Combat    Acquired: Retail    Acquired Date: 11-21-15   
Wii-U Collection Count: 3 - Average Rarity: 2.3 - Wii-U Collection Value: $ 100.37
Total Games in Collection: 3 :: Collection Grade: D- :: For Sale: $ 0 :: Total Value of Collection: $ 100.37

Formatting for Print
Formatting for Amazon Bulk Listing

Game Name Completeness Condition For Sale Value
Hyrule Warriors Complete Very Good $49.98
Splatoon Complete Like New $0.00
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Complete Very Good $50.39
31776 1 45496903435 3 3 Complete:
31758 1 45496903527 3 4 Complete:
31775 1 45496903404 3 3 Complete:

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