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  Views: 3,399,001,036     09-27-24 01:27 AM  

Posts by xrunner50 on the board: (26 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#579054 26 30 05-03-12 11:43 AM #39271 - Tyler the Creator or Odd Future?
#579037 25 57 05-03-12 11:13 AM #37499 - Has someone ever made you feel special?
#577232 24 44 04-30-12 09:55 AM #35254 - Dinosaurs in the Bible
#577231 23 43 04-30-12 09:46 AM #38877 - Video Game Show
#575078 22 72 04-27-12 09:50 AM #38877 - Video Game Show
#513455 21 6 12-13-11 12:03 PM #26023 - New Emulator
#512787 20 2 12-12-11 12:21 PM #26214 - Elder Scrolls!
#378494 19 8 05-01-11 06:40 PM #26023 - New Emulator
#378487 18 7 05-01-11 06:35 PM #26023 - New Emulator
#376898 17 11 04-28-11 03:55 PM #26214 - Elder Scrolls!
#376889 16 24 04-28-11 03:45 PM #26214 - Elder Scrolls!
#376880 15 89 04-28-11 03:37 PM #26214 - Elder Scrolls!
#375748 14 38 04-26-11 08:39 AM #21826 - favorite theme songs
#375332 13 25 04-25-11 04:27 PM #26023 - New Emulator
#375307 12 32 04-25-11 03:54 PM #26023 - New Emulator
#375048 11 75 04-25-11 08:56 AM #26023 - New Emulator
#374785 10 153 04-24-11 09:58 PM #25407 - Dealing with frustrations with fitting in
#374733 9 72 04-24-11 09:01 PM #26023 - New Emulator
#373981 8 70 04-23-11 04:14 PM #20079 - What was your most horrible moment with a teacher?
#373675 7 57 04-22-11 11:25 PM #14149 - Whats your favorite Video Game ?
#373664 6 7 04-22-11 10:52 PM #6812 - Whats your favorite forum in Vizzed?
#373385 5 2 04-22-11 01:41 PM #25730 - Kinda new to threads.
#373194 4 34 04-22-11 01:03 AM #25730 - Kinda new to threads.
#372516 3 16 04-21-11 12:06 AM #25224 - Selling profile pics.
#372481 2 33 04-20-11 10:40 PM #25730 - Kinda new to threads.
#372475 1 40 04-20-11 10:33 PM #25730 - Kinda new to threads.
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