Pokemon SoulSilver Version Review by: tgags123 - 9.5/10
Pokemon Soul Silver ReviewSo yesterday I decided to write a review of this game. I finished it and hit the "submit thread button". Apparently I took too long to write it, because it said that I needed to log in again. So I logged in and everything was gone. :( So now I have to re-write it. Yay me.
Pokemon Soul Silver is the most recent Pokemon game that I played. Or that I remember playing, at least. I played both Black and White, but I do not remember them at all. Soul Silver did stick in my mind though, and there is definitely s reason for that.
Pokemon Soul Silver has an amazing way of making the graphics new and modern, while still having that unique Pokemon style to them. In my opinion, Pokemon Soul Silver has the best graphics of any Pokemon game. The earlier games are too pixely, where as the newer games are too realistic and ruin the Pokemon experience in a way. Pokemon Soul Silver is really the middle point where the two collide, making it have a perfect combination of both. Everything in the game, from the Pokemon sprites, to the trainers, to the trees, etc. is well done and incorporates a more modern graphic style, but still makes you think "Pokemon when you see it." The graphics in Pokemon Soul Silver are top notch.
The sound can be described the same way that the graphics are described - a perfect mix of old and new. The music and the sound effects still have that nostalgic Pokemon feeling to them, but they sound a lot better and more clear than the old Game Boy music from 1998. It's amazing how the music can sound so new, yet if you hear it you automatically know that it is a Pokemon game, without even having to look at it. You can tell that a lot of time and effort was put into making the music for this game. The different music in each town, city, route, event, battle, cave, etc. sound great and is very fitting to the scenario. The music in this game is truly fantastic, and you are missing out if you like to play your video games with the sound off.
Want to hear a quick little story? No? Well tough. You don't have a choice. So a few years ago my little cousins came over to visit from California. They were 4 and 6 years old at the time. After hanging out with them for a little while, a found out that they were both into Pokemon. They both had a DS with Pokemon Soul Silver. I thought this was a little odd since Black and White were out, as well as Black 2 and White 2, but I didn't question it. I was expecting them to have a bad team of Pokemon that they thought looked cool. I didn't expect anything good. Boy was I surprised. Those two were insanely good! They had legitimate level 80 Pokemon, something that I have never been able to do without an action replay. They had captured every legendary Pokemon, completed every event, beaten every gym, beaten the Pokemon League, beaten Red, etc. If it is in the game, they have done it. I was shocked. They wanted to battle me, so I told them that I would play the game and battle them when I go to visit them in California, which was a month later. I started my Pokemon Soul Silver game over, expecting to have to force myself to play it. I am generally not a fan of the new Pokemon games. I ended up getting more addicted to Soul Silver than I have ever been to any other game. I was absolutely hooked. I brought my DS everywhere with me. In only that month between when they came to visit and when I went to visit them, I managed to beat the entire game, including beating Red on top of Mt. Silver. If you try this game out, I promise that you will become addicted too. This is the one of the most addictive games in the world, so play with caution. If you get hooked, don't say I didn't warn you.
Yay! Finally! A game that I am reviewing actually has a story! So you start your journey in the Johto League. Professor Elm gives you a Pokemon and asks you to go to Elf Grandfather - Oh wait, that is what he is called in Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal.... Er, I mean Mr. Pokemon's house and see what he has discovered. The discovery ends up being an egg, that you eventually get to keep. You then get a call from Professor Elm saying that he has been robbed of one of the Pokemon that he let you choose from! You rush back to the Pokemon Lab, and bump into a red-haired boy on the way back. He challenges you to a battle, and the Pokemon that he uses is one of Professor Elm's Pokemon! It turns out that he is the thief! He then becomes your rival for the rest of the game. From there, you are allowed to venture out into the world. You have to try to beat all of the gyms in all of the different cities, and then defeat the Pokemon League and become the Pokemon Champion. Oh, and of course you have to stop Team Rocket from executing their evil plans as you travel.
Pokemon Soul Silver has more depth than any other Pokemon game. It's not even close. First you have to beat all of the gyms in Johto and beat the Pokemon League. After you defeat the Pokemon League, you gain access to a whole other region! This region is the Kanto region. There are 8 more gyms for you to beat in Kanto. There are also tons of different events for you to do, including battling Red on top of Mt. Silver. There are more legendary Pokemon that you can catch in Soul Silver than pretty much any other Pokemon game. You can catch Lugia, Ho-Oh, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Groudon, Mewtwo, and more. There are so many events in this game that it seems as if the game is endless.
Just like all main series Pokemon games, Pokemon Soul Silver is a pretty easy game. With the exception of Whitney and her Miltank, you should be able to beat every trainer in the game on your first try. Even the Pokemon League is easy to beat. The only part of the game that really offers any kind of challenge is catching all of the legendary Pokeballs. You only get one Masterball, so you have to try to use other kinds of Pokeballs to catch the other legendaries. It will require a lot of attempts to do, and is a bit challenging. The rest of the game is pretty easy, though.
In short, Pokemon Soul Silver is a very fun game. It has graphics and sound that combine the new with the old. They have a more modern sound/look, but they still have that distinct Pokemon feel to them. This game is highly addictive, and it will probably hook you. Make sure that you only play if you want a game that you won't be able to put down. The story is similar to most Pokemon games, you have to beat all of the gyms and the Pokemon League, while also thwarting the plans of the evil Team Rocket. There is more to do in Pokemon Soul Silver than there is to do in any other Pokemon game, so it will keep you entertained for a very long time. It is not a very challenging game, so I do not recommend it to "hardcore" gamers. If you are just a casual everyday gamer though, you will most likely enjoy this game. If you see it on the shelf at Game Stop, it is definitely worth buying.
And that's my review. Thanks for reading! Please reply to my review and let me know what you think! If you liked it, please be sure to go to the Pokemon Soul Silver game page and rate it! Thanks again for reading! Until next time, tgags123 out!
9 Sound
9 Addictive
10 Depth
10 Story
9 Difficulty