Pokemon Colosseum Review by: Mistress - 7.8/10
Gotta snag 'em all!Pokémon Colosseum, developed by Genius Sonority and published by Nintendo, was released as a GameCube-only game in 2004 for North America. Like its previous games, it is a role-playing game where Pokémon engage in battle with each other. However, this installment has some major changed from the main Pokémon series.
GameplayThe battle system of this game hasn’t changed; the player will still give commands to their Pokémon as they take turns fighting with other Pokémon. However, instead of 1v1, this game features 2v2 battles. This means that instead of sending out one Pokémon at a time, both parties will send out 2 Pokémon continuously as they take turns battling each other. Each Pokémon’s moves must be made in advance before they take any action. The Pokémon with the highest agility will go first, and the turn will end once the last Pokémon made its move. Since 6 Pokémon can be carried, so another Pokémon will be sent out if one of them has fainted in the battle field. The battle will continue until one of the trainers has no more Pokémon left to send out. The trainer that has any remaining Pokémon throughout the battle is the winner.
The game takes place in a region called Orre, which doesn’t have any wild Pokémon roaming around like in the regular series. The developers got rid of the random encounters with wild Pokémon to offer up a new way of acquiring them. This new method is what I call the ‘Snag’ system. The Snag system allows the player to capture other trainer’s Pokémon. The main purpose for this Snag system is to capture shadow Pokémon from trainers who had been rewarded for winning a Colosseum battle.
Shadow Pokémon are those who have their hearts closed off. They receive moves that are very powerful for their level; however, there are setbacks to this. They are not able to level up like normal Pokémon until they become purified; this also means that they are not able to evolve as well. Shadow Pokémon may have a chance of getting into ‘hyper-mode’. When hyper-mode happens, the shadow Pokémon will not listen to commands. Purification is a long process; the player must try to open up the Pokémon’s heart before attempting to purify it, or else the purification will not work. Since there isn’t any wild Pokémon in this game, the ‘Run Away’ option is
replaced by ‘Call’. If a shadow Pokémon in battle gets into ‘hyper-mode’, calling its name will open up its heart. Additionally, the player can keep the shadow Pokémon in their party and walk many steps, or send them to daycare to open up its heart. There is also the option to rub very expensive scents on the Pokémon; this will open up its heart as well. Once purified, the Pokémon will be rewarded with the experience points they didn’t get to have when their hearts were closed.
The main character cannot tell between regular Pokémon and shadow Pokémon. For this reason, a partner who has the ability to do so will be presented through a damsel-in-distress way. After she is unlocked, the player can buy Pokéballs to capture shadow Pokémon. She will stop the main character from throwing Pokéballs to regular Pokémon if the player attempts to steal them.
-Turn-based battle system, featuring 2v2 Pokémon battles.
-Able to steal Pokémon from trainers, with restrictions.
-No random encounters with wild Pokémon.
-Shadow Pokémon and purification system added for story.
Graphics - 8The areas appearance in the game gives a more 3D feel to the players, but it still isn’t anymore than differently designed boxes that the virtual characters reside in. There are a variety of characters included here, but just like the main series, a lot of them look the same. Only characters that play an important role seem to have a significant difference from their clones.
The designs of the Pokémon are a lot smoother compared to those in Pokémon Stadium. The battle animations have been greatly improved as well; they look very life-like. When I command my Pokémon to do an attack, I feel as if it is actually breathing out real fire or squirting out real water. That’s how amazing the battle visuals are.
-More 3D, but mediocre terrain.
-People characters look alike, except those who play important roles.
-Pokémon’s designs are smoother than in Pokémon Stadium.
-Battle animations are lively.
Sound - 9The music is just too superb! From the themes of locations to battle music, the conductors of this game did not fail to impress. The music portion is one of the game’s greatest aspects. Like all games should, this game has themes that match their locations. A peaceful city will have relaxing music, a green village will have mysterious themes, and a sleazy town will even have some hip and catchy music.
The battle music, along with the camera positions, will make the player feel as if there is an audience watching the battle. I love how the music is not too jumpy that it would make the player irritated and lose focus on what moves should be done. In fact, it feels more like energetic thinking music. The only flaw is that each theme will only be around one minute or less before it loops to the beginning of its melody.
-Great, matching themes for its locations.
-Awesome battle music that feels like player has an audience.
-Too short, songs being only around a minute.
Addictiveness - 7Like many Pokémon games, this can be quite addicting. It has such an amazing soundtrack and battle animations that it makes even long battles very enjoyable. However, since there are restrictions, it doesn’t become addicting for a very long time. Orre doesn’t have any wild Pokémon, so catching them all isn’t possible in this game alone. But with the way it presented itself compared to the main games (see Story), I found it hard to stop until I at least complete the story. After a while, it definitely becomes one of those games that have good replay value.
-Addictiveness wears out after story.
-Has good replay value.
Story - 7In the beginning, a scene of a building in the middle of a desert is shown being blown up. A young man is seen stealing something from the building and then fleeing on a levitating motorcycle. He then stops at a restaurant in the middle of nowhere. The young man can now be controlled by the player. Entering the restaurant, a news report is shown about a Team Snagem hideout being blown up by a bomb (that was quick!). After talking to the people in the restaurant, another young man requests a Pokémon battle from the player. This is the tutorial battle to show people who are new to Pokémon on how the battle system works. The young man suggests the player to go to a nearby city after the battle. Arriving at the city, two strange looking people are seen near the entrance with a moving sack in the back of their vehicle. Some dialog and a battle later, the main character unties the sack to reveal a girl about the same age as the main character. This is where the adventure starts.
The story of this game isn’t to collect gym badges (even though there is a gym in the game), it’s to retrieve shadow Pokémon from trainers and purify their hearts. But just like the handheld games, the player must stop the evil organization in the region from their wrongdoings.
The main character is pretty unique compared to the main characters of the handheld games. Without spoiling much, he is the only playable character that had a criminal background. So basically, he’s a bad guy turned good. He also has a lovely assistant following him around everywhere, even though she can be bossy and stubborn sometimes.
There are some eccentric-looking people in this game, especially the main bad guys. They also own Pokémon that matches their personality, rather than the type of organization they are in. For example, the first boss the player will face is a disco-lovin’ maniac. He owns Pokémon that dances along with him during battle.
Despite being a nice change from other Pokémon games and having some character personalities, it is still nothing more than a decent storyline. There are some twists and humors that appear more in this game than the handhelds, but it is still lacking in quality. The story’s moral is no different from the other games in its series.
-Bad guy turned good.
-Bosses with personalities.
-Partner that follows player everywhere.
-Story’s main point isn’t all that different from its series, but still a good game.
Depth - 5With so much restrictions, this game unfortunately has very little to do. I’ve mention this several times already: Orre doesn’t have any wild Pokémon in its vicinity. Because of this, it is not possible to fill up the Pokédex with the game alone. An adapter for the GBA along with Pokémon games from generation 3 or below is needed in order to transfer Pokémon in this game to complete the Pokédex.
There are also no mini-games such as the famous Game Corner that every Pokémon fan has encountered while playing the handhelds. Which is such a shame, I wouldn’t mind going gambling for prizes there.
The game offers a Mt. Battle to its audience; this is where the player battles 100 trainers to get coupons for prizes. There is a resting spot every 10 floors in there. If the player cannot battle all 100 trainers at one time, then the Abras located inside the buildings can teleport the player to the resting spot they last visited.
As the name states, there is the colosseum. The player can battle competitors in order to win money and prizes. This is part of the storyline, so it’s impossible to miss.
Additionally, the player can battle against their friends by going into multiplayer mode. This mode will give player 1 and player 2 random Pokémon that are all the same level. This tests the player’s strategic thinking and shows who’s better at battling.
-Not many Pokémon to catch.
-Battle 100 trainers in Mt. Battle for prizes.
-Battle trainers in Colosseum for money.
-Battle with friends in multiplayer mode.
Difficulty - 7The opponents of this game are easy to beat, if the player is only looking to beat them. The game becomes slightly harder if one wants to catch all the shadow Pokémon. Sometimes trainers who own a shadow Pokémon will only battle the player once. So if the player doesn’t succeed in capturing the shadow Pokémon, then he/she already lost their chance in gaining that Pokémon.
Since there is a limited amount of shadow Pokémon, the player may not find the Pokémon they wish to have. Only Pokémon who had their hearts closed can be obtained, which counts up to 48 snaggable Pokémon. Since Orre doesn’t have any wild Pokémon, it may be hard to obtain certain Pokémon that would be wanted or may help the player in completing the game.
-Super easy if goal isn’t to capture all shadow Pokémon.
-Slightly harder if goal is the reverse of above.
-Only certain Pokémon can be obtained.
Overall - 7.8Overall, Pokémon Colosseum is a great game for fans who want to experience something different from the standard handheld series. The battle animations and music are what keeps the player stuck to the game. Its story is different from the regular portable games, featuring characters with some personalities. Even though there really isn’t much to do, it’s still fun snagging other trainer’s shadow Pokémon to turn them back in their original purified state.
While this game received a lot of positive comments, it isn’t one of those games that should be an introductory to the series. That would just make the newcomer have different expectations about the main Pokémon games. It’s more like a game for fans who wanted to have something different from the main series.
-Great game for fans.
-Shouldn’t be used as a welcome game for newbies of the series.
8 Sound
9 Addictive
7 Depth
5 Story
7 Difficulty