The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (WII) - Wii
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is an Action-adventure game developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo of America Inc. in 2006 for the Wii.
In the next chapter in the Legend of Zelda series, Link can transform into a wolf to scour the darkened land of Hyrule. With the help of Midna, a mysterious being, you must guide Link through hordes of foul creatures and challenging bosses using new moves and a new horseback combat system. Many puzzles stand between Link and the fulfillment of his quest, so you must sharpen your wits as you hunt for weapons and items.
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review by: ender44 - 10/10
the legend of zelda twilight princess reviewHey guys Ender44 here, talking about one of my favorite Zelda games of all time, the legend of Zelda twilight princess. This was the last game ever made for the Nintendo gamecube and was also moved to the next generation console, the Nintendo wii. This game has received mixed reviews, some bad ones from people who preferred cell shaded games, some fantastic reviews from people who loved the realistic graphic style. And mixed reviews from those who preferred happy games, and those who preferred darker games. This game brought back many songs from the legend of Zelda majoras mask, and brought back the concept of a lantern to light the way, which was used in the original NES and SNES Zelda games. This game used a realistic graphic style which was a favorite to many fans although Nintendo used cell shading for the next Zelda game skyward sword. This game also made use of a darker storyline, which was another favorite among fans, although some people believed the game tried too hard to be dark, and didn't tug at the heart strings as seamlessly as majoras mask did. This game also introduced new items like the ball and chain, dominion rod, and spinner. Lets get to the review.
Graphics- The legend of Zelda twilight princess used a realistic graphics engine for the first time which caused stunning visuals, intimidating enemies, and an overall pretty environment. Not that graphics make a game, but the graphics are one of the reasons this game is a favorite of mine. This game used the exact same graphics as its wii counter-part, so seeing as it had good enough graphics to be a next-Gen game, that means it had fantastic graphics for a gameube game.These new graphics also allowed Nintendo to make some changes to our favorite character link, giving him a new looking tunic, making Zelda look mire like a princess and even more like a sage(which she actually isn't in this game) and just all around made ganondorf look awesome- and kind of scary.
The music of this game is something to cry about. Koji Kondo is an incredibly talented person, and the music suits this game so well. Every song you hear screams Zelda and makes you want to go back to that place to hear it again. If you don't believe me, feel free to search "Midnas desperate hour" "Sacred grove theme" "twilight princess opening" or "twilight princess main theme" on youtube, you will be blown away.
Addictiveness-I spent hour's playing this game. I can honestly say that I enjoyed it more than ocarina of time, and I'm planning on playing it again once I finish wind waker. This game is an incredibly fun experience and you will see what I mean if you decide to play it.
Story- (spoilers of the beginning) You start the game out as link, or ender, or whoever you name that one guy. Link is a humble farm boy who lives in the quiet town of faron, named after the golden goddess Forore. Soon though things begin to change. Darkness begins to engulf hyrule and black beasts kidnap all of the children in Faron. Link though, remains. He finds that when in twilight, every one turns into spirits, except for him. Link is a sacred boy, who is the only hylian that can survive in twilight. When link is in twilight, he is a sacred wolf. Link then meets midna, a strange creature who guides him out of the prison he was put in. Link and midna then realize that to restore light to hyrule, link, as a wolf must gather tears of light to restore the light that was taken form the light spirits by Zant, an evil wizard. After restoring light to a light spirit, link goes through a dungeon to find a fused shadow an enigmatic object that midna is looking for. Link, after gathering 3 fused shadows, realizes they contain an evil power, which is held by the descendants of evil wizard. Midna, is one of these descendants. That was basically a summary of the first three dungeons, written by yours truly. If that didn't get you hooked on the game, I'm not sure what will. Maybe you'll have to ply through the rest.
Depth- There is so much to do in this game. There are over 10 dungeons. 45 pieces of heart. Golden bugs to collect, which are all over hyrule. Hidden skills you can learn, which the teacher of them is hidden and you must find him in wolf form. Poe souls, which are scattered all around hyrule, only seen at night, and can only be killed in wolf form. Yeah there is a lot to do.
Difficulty- This isn't really the games fault. But Zelda games have gotten easier over the years, not saying that this game is easy, but it is easier, some of the puzzles are fairly obvious while some require some serious thought or *cough *cough a walkthrough *cough *cough.
Gameplay- I'm adding this about a month after this review was done and will be adding it to any future reviews I do. This game has very intuitive gameplay that I really enjoyed using. As a kid, ocarina of time's Z-targeting made me feel enough like a ninja, but twilight princess brought this to a whole new level. This game uses a system of L targeting (at least if you are playing the gamecube version) that allows you to keep track of your enemy and shoot with more accuracy. Also, while using this system, you can use combinations of buttons to perform complex moves known as hidden skills. By the way, hyrule historia has confirmed that the heroes' shade that teaches you these skills is actually the link from OOT.
So overall, you should play this game, its a fantastic game and it is definitely something the Zelda team should base off of. Give it a try.
Ender44 signing off.
10 Sound
10 Addictive
9 Depth
9 Story
10 Difficulty
Twilight Princess is the first Legend of Zelda game for the Wii and also the last for GameCube. At first Link is a simple farm boy, whose tasks consist of herding goats to watching children in Ordon village, Link's home town. One day, Link is asked by the mayor to run an errand in Castle Town, but things sudden go wrong
The land becomes dark, and strange creatures appear from another world called the Twilight Realm, which turns most into ghosts. Link, however, becomes a wolf. After becoming a wolf, Link is aided by Midna, a resident of the Twilight Realm. Midna helps Link find a way to turn human again along with other tasks.
The wolf cannot use a sword or other items. Instead, Link must use his senses to solve puzzles and get past obstacles. The beast can also dig holes to find hearts and rupees and to get in places. He can push blocks with his head to climb higher or reveal hidden passageways. Additionally, he can attack enemies by biting or pouncing on them.
As a human, Link can move around quickly, aim his bow, swing his sword, and even fish. Link also collects many different items, which allow him to perform varied attacks and reach places he couldn't before. Link performs many attacks with his sword and can even learn other sword moves.
The art is similar to the naturalistic style of Ocarina of Time, rather than the cel-shaded look of The Wind Waker. Chronologically, the game takes place between the two aforementioned titles and quite a few locations from Ocarina of Time can be visited. The main adventure takes place in several provinces with dungeons and temples. With the help of Midna, you can easily travel around quickly later in the game.
Overall 8.9 Graphics 9.4 Sound 9.3 Addictive 9.1 Story 9.3 Depth 9.3 Difficulty 6.4
A much darker take on the Zelda series..... Boxia
Twillight princess is seen by many as signalling an agruably inevitable and necessary turn in maturi...
Graphics 9 Sound 10 Addictive 9 Story 9 Depth 10 Difficulty 8
Review Rating: 5/5
Submitted: 01-20-14
Updated: 01-21-14
Review Replies: 3
twilight princess helkdona226
The game has a feeling to it like they were trying to make the game darker than it was. The game spo...
Graphics 10 Sound 9 Addictive 10 Story 9 Depth 9 Difficulty 3
Review Rating: 3.7/5
Submitted: 11-27-12
Review Replies: 1
the legend of zelda twilight princess review ender44
Hey guys Ender44 here, talking about one of my favorite Zelda games of all time, the legend of Zelda...
Graphics 10 Sound 10 Addictive 9 Story 10 Depth 9 Difficulty 8
Review Rating: 3.3/5
Submitted: 01-06-13
Updated: 01-18-13
Review Replies: 6
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii) Review bombchu link
Graphics 8 Sound 10 Addictive 6 Story 8 Depth 7 Difficulty 5
Review Rating: 3/5
Submitted: 02-02-13
Review Replies: 8
Twilight Princess darthyoda
It's about time I do another game Review! So this is another review by Darthyoda! Now for the review...
Graphics 10 Sound 7 Addictive 10 Story 10 Depth 10 Difficulty 8
Review Rating: 2.5/5
Submitted: 01-06-13
Review Replies: 4
The legend of Zelda Twilight Princesses. RMJEtheReploid
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess was my first rated T game, and my second Zelda Game. I got thi...
Graphics 10 Sound 10 Addictive 10 Story 9 Depth 10 Difficulty 9
Review Rating: 2/5
Submitted: 10-19-14
Review Replies: 2
Bomb Bag Upgrades
There are 3 bomb bags to obtain and 1 capacity upgrade that affects all 3 bags.
Bomb Bag 1 Purchace from Barnes Bomb Shop in Kakariko after 2nd temple.
Bomb Bag 2 Free the goron from the giant lava rock located underwater in zoras domain.
Bomb Bag 3 Destroy the rock barriers for the River Canoe mini-game owner.
Bomb Bag Capacity Upgrade (Double) Score 25 points or more on the River Canoe Mini-Game.
Bottle: Fishing Hole
Go to the fishing hole, and find the sign that says: No Littering! You can get a bottle if you fish on the left side of the bridge that is near that sign. Its darker water than normal.
After locating the Gerudo Mesa and Cave of Ordeals in the Gerudo desert, you are able to unlock fairies and later Great Fairies at each spring around Hyrule. Smaller fairies can be bottled, restore 8 hearts when used, or when you run out of hearts. Great Fairies will give you a bottle full of Great Fairy Tears, which heal you full and temporarily boost your attack, provided you have an empty bottle and no Tears in your inventory already.
Both have an infinite supply once unlocked.
Fairies in the Eldin Spring Complete 30 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Faron Spring Complete 20 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Lanayru Spring Complete 40 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Ordon Spring Complete 10 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Great Fairies in all springs Complete 50 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Frog Fishing Lure
To unlock the Frog Fishing Lure for the Fishing Hole, you must beat all eight levels of Roal Goal, a game found in the owner's establishment. To play it, simply look at it in first person using the C button.
The game requires 5 rupees a play and you win 10 rupees for each round, and the frog lure for the eighth. (If you run short before you manage to get the lure, mowing the tall grass just outside (still in the fishing hole area) offers around 60 rupees.)
Lure description: The must-have lure for bass.
Malo Mart-Castle Branch and Magic Armor
After donating 1000 rupees and completing the hot springwater sidequest, donate 2000 more rupees to Malo Mart. A new Malo Mart will open in Castle Town and magic armor will be available for purchase there. The amount owed can be reduced (see Secrets section below).
Poe Rewards
You can unlock certain rewards for returning Poes back to Jovani.
200 Rupees (talk to him again for another 200) Bring back 60 Poe Souls to Jovani.
Bottle W/ Fairy Tears Bring back 20 Poe Souls to Jovani.
Quiver Upgrades
To upgrade you arrow capacity, you need to play the "STAR" game located in the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town.
Big Quiver (60 Arrows) Beat "STAR" game lvl. 1. (Clawshot Required)
Giant Quiver (100 Arrows) Beat "STAR" game lvl. 2 .(Double Clawshot Required)
Sinker Lure
To obtain the Sinker Lure you must first catch a Hylain Pike, Hyrule Bass, and a Ordon Catfish in the fishing hole area with the lure rod. After you have caught one of each you go to the south east corner of the water closest to the house and take out your Fishing Rod(bobber) with the coral earring hook. After that you will catch the Sinker Lure. Make sure Hena doesn't see you use it or she will take it away.
Unlock Special-Edition Rollgoal
If you visit the Fishing Hole in Upper Zora's River, there's a mini game Hena will let you play for 5 Rupees called Rollgoal. If you make it past 1-8, you'll be rewarded with the Frog Lure. However, if you keep going and beat the entire thing, up to and including 8-8, you'll be able to play the special-edition version of Rollgoal. You can choose any level, the cost is free, the time limit is raised to 4:00:00, and you cannot win any Rupees. Also, as an added bonus, once you beat 8-8, Hena will fill your wallet completely!
Wallet Upgrades
To upgrade your wallet size to carry more rupees, you need to catch Golden bugs for Agatha in Hyrule Castle Town.
Big Wallet Give Agatha 1 Golden Bug
Giant Wallet Give Agatha all 24 Golden Bugs
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no 8120 09-25-17 - 06:03 PM @Winterwolf01 unfortunately wii games can,t be played on viz since there is no emulator that can support them
winterwolf01 09-25-17 - 07:47 AM Anyone know where I can play this game? I would love to replay this awesome game! :)
RMJEtheReploid 10-19-14 - 08:15 PM @WinterFolf01 you cant
winterwolf01 10-06-14 - 04:24 PM how can I play this I don't see the option thing?
Ridley12 02-08-14 - 06:22 AM Anyone know any good money grinding tips? I NEED MONEY!
Gray Fullmetal 01-25-13 - 03:13 PM Love this game. Still trying to find the poes though. :P
DoctorDB 12-04-12 - 03:27 AM This is a mirrored version of the GameCube game since this marks Link using the sword in his right hand (for the WiiRemote)
Arctic Wolf (SS.. 05-15-12 - 01:03 AM The introduction of Link's wolf form is really what makes this game special.
I'd rate this a 9.5/10!
PS: Wolves are my favourite animal, so I had to restrain a bit on the points I gave the game. I based myself on the story and Link's game-play fluidit
baibai468734 05-10-12 - 04:49 PM Best Game EVER!!
P.S. 4th!
ricklies 05-05-12 - 04:09 PM it is a awesome game. enjoyable to play. can be challenging at times.
sunnyd9763 05-02-12 - 07:37 AM yes it is and i can still play it cause luckily i have it for the wii and i have my gamecube that still works that also has it
skriata 04-30-12 - 01:28 PM such a fun game