lolid23's Profile
lolid23 is Offline
Age: 27 (07-18-97) Gender: Male
Registered: 04-09-11 10:13 PM (5027 days ago)
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Last Activity: 01-13-25 01:36 PM
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Viewing Your Threads
Last Post: 12-13-24 09:30 PM
I'm tired of censorship in video games...
I'm tired of censorship in video games...
I'm a 27 years old boy (boy because I don't have an adult face) who LOVES playing video games and watching videos on youtube, I even have a youtube account by the way (I'm called ''Hero of The Wind'' on youtube), Sometimes I use said account more often than this one but whatever, That doesn't really matter I guess...
I don't go into the Chat room of this site very often but when I do, I last some time inside.
I'm also a fan of Klonoa and a brony, I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it's still an awesome cartoon, and it'll always be a great cartoon.
I don't go into the Chat room of this site very often but when I do, I last some time inside.
I'm also a fan of Klonoa and a brony, I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it's still an awesome cartoon, and it'll always be a great cartoon.
Page Comments
pokemon x - 07-03-22 05:34 PM I added the game you requested back in march since it seems palen might be too busy
pokemon x - 04-01-22 12:49 PM
Forgot to come back to this... Other mods seem to think it is alright as is as long as thread links correctly. (Which has already been done. If it was done correctly..)
pokemon x - 03-05-22 08:45 PM
I could technically void the thread and close it to let you repost it but I would have to ask if I can do that
pokemon x - 03-04-22 09:33 PM I tried setting the game to switch version via edit thread and all it seems to do is change the link on thread page but not on the game pages.
pokemon x - 07-19-21 01:01 PM
I don't think there is a filter system but if there is news to me. I think staff is just supposed to look through them and delete anything if it were inappropriate and I think the only restricted things entirely is Adult Only rated games.
pokemon x - 07-18-21 10:53 PM
I don't know if you get notifications for screenshots being deleted but the two were broken images
claytune - 07-18-21 10:02 PM
Happy Birthday!!!
no 8120 - 07-18-20 02:39 PM
your welcome hope you have a nice Birthday
no 8120 - 07-18-20 04:27 AM
Happy Birthday