Sword Legion is Offline
Sword Legion
Dark knight of the blackened sun. I am Sword Legion, one of many. My mask is thick, and my armor is strong. All the more necessary in a world such as this. . .
Dark knight of the blackened sun. I am Sword Legion, one of many. My mask is thick, and my armor is strong. All the more necessary in a world such as this. . .
Location: Faxanadu
Age: 29 (01-05-96) Gender: Male
Registered: 09-27-12 09:50 AM (4515 days ago)
Posts: 3,034 Threads: 449
Post Words: 699,562 (231 word avg)
Level: 103 Experience: 11229644
Next Level: +241762 Exp Per Post: 5551 Exp
Last Activity: 06-12-24 02:17 AM
Viewing Login / Logout
Viewing Login / Logout
Last Post: 07-13-21 01:52 AM
I Got an IT Job = Less Time Developing on Vizzed
I Got an IT Job = Less Time Developing on Vizzed
You're gonna carry that weight.

Page Comments
sonikku - 05-18-21 08:37 AM
So... I exist on here again. For how long, I dunno, but I'm gonna see how long I can stick out recording videos for the site again.
baileyface544 - 01-18-21 11:17 PM
Right on, sent a message with Discord info
baileyface544 - 01-18-21 10:17 PM
Yeah, though usually I try to get peoples info before leaving for good if I have good friends on a site. THough this one I didn't really choose "Hey I'm leaving" life just kinda happened. How have you been?
baileyface544 - 01-13-21 08:12 PM
Still on here I see. Hello friend I haven't talked to in years!

no 8120 - 01-05-21 03:53 AM
Happy Birthday
sonicthehedgehog57 - 10-21-19 08:20 PM
Yeah I suppose that's true, and with products like steam and even companies coming out with mini versions of old consoles. Kind of negates the effects of old rom websites as well. Not completely but heavily.
sonicthehedgehog57 - 10-21-19 08:10 PM
just was told to check it out again, since heard it got better though based on your reaction xD more like it dried up like a river in the desert. Plus completely being over Fyredove/Pokefreak219/Bayleigh makes it a lot easier to come onto the website as well.
sonicthehedgehog57 - 10-21-19 08:05 PM
I told Eniitan a while back that I'd check out vizzed when had free time and got things with work settled out more. Big changes since left in 15' xD
sonicthehedgehog57 - 10-21-19 07:57 PM
hey there, pardner

Zlinqx - 02-15-17 04:42 PM
I still can't see anything that you wrote :v