The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) Review by: Eddy88 - 9/10
The Simpsons (Arcade) Review.Yellow fists.Beat 'em up... "What's that?" may you wonder. Well, if you're asking that, it's because you never played an Arcade game before. If you don't know, let me explain you. Beat 'em up (also known as Brawler) is one of the best video games genres. What it is about? Simple: Street fights. Nothing but punching, kicking and hitting with several weapons hordes of enemies through (usually) city themed places. All that only to fight the typical big enemy, which may count with some minions to help him to fight you... (And just after beating him, all the minions on the screen would die... Strange, I know). Okay, now know what a Beat 'em up is thanks to this brief explanation, Back in time (yeah, once again abusing of this phrase) this genre used to rule the Arcades... And, as I said, on a previous review, Konami used to get many attention with their 4 players brawlers. Now... What do we get if Konami makes a beat 'em up about The Simpsons? We get this: The Simpsons Arcade Game, one of the few Simpson games that are worth playing. Now, If you wanna know how much is worth playing this... Keep reading.
Story: It's a nice and sunny day at Springfield... And The Simpson family decides to enjoy it by making a walk through the city's downtown. However, something else is going on: The Springfield's Jewellery is being assaulted... by Waylon Smithers (!?) and some goons. Without noticing the presence of the family, Smithers escapes from the store... But then, he bumps into Homer Simpson. As a consequence of the bump, the stolen item, a Diamond, knocks from his haul. Then, Maggie catches the Diamond with her mouth (confusing it with a pacifier). In a hurry, Smithers decides to snatch the baby and run away... Now it's up to the rest of family go after Smithers and rescue Maggie. (6/10)
Graphics: Pretty colorful and full of life. The backgrounds are amazing and are very well detailed. I have to mention that the character's sprites are very well animated too. Just wait a while without moving, and you'll notice that they have their own "waiting" animations. (Which are pretty funny, by the way). (8/10)
Sound: Great... Konami is also very well known by the quality of their games' musical tracks. As usual, this game counts with some catchy and energetic tracks. Every stage of the game has a different kind of music, and every boss has it's own track!.. SFX sounds quite strange in my opinion. An example is when you hit an enemy... It doesn't sounds like a punching effect. But, it's not a big problem anyways. (9/10)
Addictiveness: This title has a fair amount of addictiveness, once you finish with it, you'll come back to play it, only to see how long you can go without dying or without getting hit. (7/10)
Depth: Sadly, Brawlers are not know for it's depth level, because it's same thing on all the levels. (Hit, hit, and hit) The only thing that makes this game different from the other games of the same genre, is it's Gameplay. Here, for example, if you're playing with somebody else, you and your partner can team up to attack enemies. (Just let one character next to other character, and they will team up). As in other beat 'em up, Food is used to increase Health Points, and several objects can be used as projectiles to attack enemies. Oh, also, there are two bonus mini games through the game. Besides all this... The game doesn't offers much. (7/10)
Difficulty: A bit high... On this game, you can't hit enemies repeatedly (after giving them some hits, they hit you). And Bosses get harder and harder as long you progress. (8/10)
Final Rating: 9This is, definitely, one of the best games based on "The Simpsons" franchise out there. Simple but very entertaining... If you can play it with a/some friends... Even better!
-Eddy Out-
8 Sound
9 Addictive
7 Depth
7 Story
6 Difficulty