masterluigi1155 12-21-15 - 08:30 PM the game wont start up. all i see is a blue screen when i start up the game
orionfoxgibson 08-28-13 - 10:19 AM Good Thing I already have a copy of this on my H.D. 360 Disk.
I was going to do a Photo Strategy Session for this place. Oh well.
orionfoxgibson 08-28-13 - 10:11 AM Can't Get the Controls to Function Properly. No Inventory Button, Or Item use Button, Or Weapon Button, Or Even a Codec Button. Only Move and Punch. No save state button either. This thing can not be played.
orionfoxgibson 08-27-13 - 01:58 PM Talk about a pain. This game was too ahead of it's time.
wallguardian 02-03-13 - 10:56 AM Metal Gear is the best but I don't know how to crawl
rockster572 11-15-12 - 04:07 PM BIG FAIL TYPO! I'm American, and I LIKE this game.
rockster572 11-15-12 - 04:06 PM I'm American, and I already this game.
stephenpeavy 06-23-12 - 01:37 PM um anyone there
stephenpeavy 06-23-12 - 01:36 PM how do i start the game
r3aVeR 21 06-03-12 - 06:20 PM and mg2 isn't on the nes anyway if u are thinking about snake's revenge then yes its a million times better
r3aVeR 21 06-03-12 - 06:16 PM thats because it was konami's own computer
Omniterran 05-29-12 - 09:16 AM How in the world do I crawl?
uberkoopa 05-26-12 - 02:10 AM the game's sound runs too fast
nicknacknov3 05-25-12 - 03:25 PM hi guys
thebest_2705 05-25-12 - 11:55 AM anyoneon?
wooten3000 05-24-12 - 04:33 PM Good game!
Davideo7 05-24-12 - 03:46 PM I heard that this is better than the one for the Nintendo NES