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supernerd117's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100) | Dragon Force II - Kamisarishi Daichi ni | Game worked at first, but glitched when I tried to enter a level. | Dragon Force | Doesn't work at all. | Panzer Dragoon II Zwei | Doesn't work at all. | Radiant Silvergun | Doesn't work at all. | Gachasute! Dino Device - Red | Is this what the whole Dinosaur King series was based on or something? | Mega Man X4 | Almost done with this game! I'm really hyped to finish this. I'll replay this later, and will probably be even more hyped! | Cabal | DRAT lol XD | Mega Man X4 | I did a MIDI mashup of this game's opening theme once. If I still have it somewhere, I'll definitely post it. | Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition | This game is pretty much the same as the PC version, but it's been made more accessible (especially in regards to recipes). If you're a minecraft fan, it most definitely will be worth it. If not, this version is cheaper, anyways. | Kirby - Nightmare in Dream Land | took me about 3 hours. I've completed 93% of the game. Great game, but I'm glad I never bought it. |
supernerd117's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25) |
Owlboy 10-31-18 01:28 PM |
A Hi-Bit Masterpiece Owlboy is an interesting case: When Owlboy was released, it was hailed by critics as a heartfelt, powerful story with fascinating, responsive gameplay. Recently online, however; I have seen posts saying Owlboy has inconsistent controls and a shallow story. Which of these is it? To answer this, let’s begin with Owlboy’s story. The story follows a young boy named Otus, a literal “owl boy” with the power to fly. He is a mute, and fails at simple tasks at times. It doesn’t help that his mentor frequently belittles him and he is bullied by a number of his own kind. The only person that stands up for him is a human, one of a few in a society above the clouds that mostly lives in harmony. Others support him, but Geddy, a young mechanic, is the only one seen actually fighting for him. Early on in the story, a mischief maker invades the town, stealing objects and causing trouble. Otus and Geddy pursue him in the hopes of making something of themselves, proving to the town in the sky that they are worthwhile beings. What follows is a series of events that leads to deep tragedy, and eventually, culminates in a climax that is as intense as it is deeply moving. Yet in all of this, the game, if sped through, might take 4-6 hours to beat. How in the world could a game whose focus is as much on its gameplay as its plot make something great in so short a time? It comes down to the characters and the writing. No dialogue is wasted. Watching Beyblade: Metal Fury recently on Twitch, I was shocked (and laughed) at how much exposition could be crammed into one battle...and one deciding the fate of the world, at that. Owlboy doesn’t overdo exposition. If you want to learn more story details, there are a few sidequests that allow you to discover a lab of sorts that gives answers to questions. Owlboy doesn’t waste its characters or its world. I hear so much talk about such-and-such games that have “deep wo... Read the rest of this Review |
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom 10-29-18 11:03 PM |
Disappointing Sequel with a Lot to Do You have been warned: Significant story details below. Knowing them may not spoil the experience, but you can never back out. Are you ready? Cue Ceave Gaming’s “Let's do this” (despite this not being a Mario Maker vid). Maybe Scykoh’s “Hello and welcome”? How about Wintergatan’s Marble Machine song? #MarblemachineXhype! Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one of my favorite games. I gave it nearly a perfect score in my review here, and, while I acknowledged it had some flaws, praised it for its excellent cast, writing, story, music and gameplay. It is, quite nearly, a perfect game. But what of its sequel? Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a game I waited so long for. Finally, a sequel to one of the greatest games ever made! When I heard it would be somewhat darker and “more mature”, I felt a bit disappointed, to be honest. Usually, that indicates to me that a certain edge will be pushed at the cost of poignancy. For an example, gamers revolted when the trailer for “The Last of Us 2” showcased lots of bloody violence...with little to say about its story. The Last of Us is considered by many to be one of the most emotional, poignant games ever made and that the focus of the sequel’s trailer was violence was considered a terrible mistake, even an insult to some. But Ni No Kuni II still had involvement from Studio Ghibli, even though part of the way through, only some of those involved with the studio were helping, rather than the entire studio backing the project. The game, also, has only a few passing references to the first game. It's not clear whether this is a sequel or a spin-off, as the map and the characters are very different. In fact, not long before Ni No Kuni II’s release, it was admitted that the people behind it were not sure how to bill it. It shows. Traditionally animated cutscenes are gone completely, replaced by 3D cutscenes with models inte... Read the rest of this Review |
Little Acre, The 10-28-18 10:38 PM |
The Little Acre: Sweet and Innocent Wildly charming and deeply amusing, The Little Acre is a game that begs to be played. The Little Acre is a game I had wanted to play for a long time. Thankfully, it came with my Utomik trial free. So I booted it up, expecting something charming and fun. What I didn’t expect is just how much it would be. The opening sequence encouraged questions, and I still don’t fully understand the short blip at the beginning. No matter, I pioneered on. I helped a father sneak around the house and solve clues his father left behind. I helped a young child jump into an alternate dimension to find him. This child really carries a lot of the charm in the adventure. She’s plucky, brave, resourceful, and probably four (we’re never told her age). She carries around a wooden sword and puts on a brave face through everything. The game is short. It took me maybe 2-3 hours to reach the ending. Those who finish the game will notice that there is a significant shortage of answers, partially due to this length. Significant questions remain, and I’d love to see some of them answered in a sequel. Unfortunately, the game is structured in a such a way that a sequel might be awkward. The animation is lovely, the music is beautiful and the voice acting is perfect. Ultimately, this game is possibly very worthwhile, even if there should be more of it. I don’t blame the developers for its length, but if there were a good opportunity for them, I’d love to see and play a longer, remastered version of this game. |
Detective Pikachu 10-28-18 10:22 PM |
Detective Pikachu: A Bolt of Brilliance! Detective Pikachu has had a lot of buzz surrounding it. It had a single-episode Japanese release quite a while back, with more to come. Reviewers loved it. The titular character was witty, charming and lovable. The case was simple but enjoyable. And so it goes. The whole game is not much more than this. Simple puzzles, lovable characters, good set pieces. It is aimed at a younger crowd. But I did enjoy my time with it. The story is great (and this part skews slightly older), and follow Tim Goodman’s search for his missing father. It does fall into common trappings (Pikachu has amnesia, Tim is an amateur, etc.), and though the cases are connected, they can feel somewhat disconnected, in a sense. The villains are rarely readily apparent (although sometimes they totally are) and “guesswork” can feel tiring because you figured something out several steps ahead of what the game expects of you. So it was more that I was disconnected from the game in the sense that an average 8-year old watching Dora might feel. Not part of the age group targeted, and smart enough to realize most things beforehand, but not necessarily readily. Nevertheless, the writing is flawless. The wit is mild but on point, the characters are well established, and the game is consistently fun even when you are ahead of the game. Detective Pikachu is a character I’m so excited to see more of. The voice acting is among the best I’ve seen in any dub. The actors and actresses were well chosen, the Pokemon sounded like I would have imagined, and this added so much life into the game. The Pokemon do have the quirk of generally saying only syllables of their names, just like the show. This is fine, I think, but can be off-putting to newcomers to Pokemon, to which this game is (somewhat) targeted. The main criticism I have of the game is actually relegated to something optional. If you want to hear all the optional conversations, ... Read the rest of this Review |
Rhythm Thief & The Emperors Treasure 01-14-18 02:26 PM |
Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure Review Disclaimer: Taken from my NintendoRadar account. Ba da da da da daaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! DOO, DOO DOO DEE DOO, DOO DOO DEE DOO, DOO DOOOOOO DOOOOOO… “My name is Raphael. I have a secret. Phantom R...he’s me. Time to get to work, Fondue!” Rhythm Thief is a breath of fresh air in the Rhythm game genre. It takes a familiar story, adds twists, turns, and lovable characters, and pulls out all the stops. The title evokes Professor Layton in many ways, from the menus to the characters, and especially through the world map and sidequests. There are musical puzzles from time to time, but these aren’t nearly as challenging as some of the brain busters in the Professor Layton franchise. They serve to pad the adventure with interactive fun, and perhaps bring down the story a bit. However, the story is quite good, aided by quirkiness but not quirky in and of itself. Napoleon has returned from the dead...or has he? It seems he seeks a treasure that will give him power to control the world. But what sort of thing is it? Aiding the story is an incredible soundtrack. The music had me hooked from the beginning until I had completed the game. The French-inspired tones, classical music, and pumping beats combined in ways that really caused the game to “pop”, or to really sell itself. The rhythm games feature a variety of challenges, from familiar button presses to swipes and taps on the touch screen to gyroscope challenges. The last of these tend to be among the most challenging, largely because it is so difficult to get used to. I spent several hours trying to get an “A” score in one challenge, whereas I only had to try any other a few times in comparison, with the exception of one (also a gyroscope challenge). Thankfully, it was an optional challenge. And in addition, merely passing each rhythm game is enough to advance the plot. But to unlock a final challenge, you have to beat every rhythm... Read the rest of this Review |
supernerd117's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25) |
Kid Icarus Uprising 05-25-15 05:10 PM |
Kid Icarus Uprising Walkthrough - Part Four! Welcome to part four in a series of nine! Today will cover Pit’s infiltration of the Reaper Fortress and fight against the Great Reaper! Due to the names and such of the bosses, this walkthrough is not entirely spoiler-free. However, I am trying my best to stick to gameplay and such, using only names and such when necessary. Links to the previous parts can be found here: Link to Part 1: [url]http://www.vizzed.com/boards/thread.php?id=86441[/url] Link to Part 2: [url]http://www.vizzed.com/boards/thread.php?id=86442[/url] Link to Part 3: [url]http://www.vizzed.com/boards/thread.php?id=87384[/url] Let’s begin! ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4: The Reaper’s Line of Sight, on Intensity 5.0 Recommended weapon class: If attacking the Reapers: Palms, Orbitars, Cannons. If avoiding them: Claws, Blade. Reapers in the level may be best avoided, but provide a lot of hearts, and perhaps treasure if beaten. This walkthrough will cover the former option: I’ll be attacking Reapers head-on. ______________________________________________________________________________ Air Battle: Miks, Syrens, Daphnes and a Wave Angler greet you out of the gate. Take special care to destroy the Wave Angler quickly when it appears. Soon, Gyrazers and Octos appear, followed by Shrips and Miks right beside each other. Pit dives to the ground! Take a very short breather to get your bearing before Pit levels off. A Belunka appears, along with other enemies and a Treasurefish. Make sure you hit the Treasurefish first for the helpful treasure inside. Various enemies continue to assault Pit. Take special care with the Handoras on the wall to your left (you’ll turn towards it). It can be difficult to avoid their fire if you aren’t prepared. &nbs... Read the rest of this Guide |
Kid Icarus Uprising 05-22-15 10:25 PM |
Kid Icarus Uprising Walkthrough - Part Three! Welcome to part three in a series of nine! Today will cover chapter three, “Heads of the Hewdraw”, Where Pit does his best to defeat the powerful (and mouthy) three-headed dragon, Hewdraw! Due to the names and such of the bosses, this walkthrough is not entirely spoiler-free. However, I am trying my best to stick to gameplay and such, using only names and such when necessary. Links to the previous parts can be found here: Link to Part 1: [url]http://www.vizzed.com/boards/thread.php?id=86441[/url] Link to Part 2: [url]http://www.vizzed.com/boards/thread.php?id=86442[/url] Let’s begin! ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3: Heads of the Hewdraw, played on Intensity 4.0 Recommended Weapon Class: Claws or blades. Claws may provide an advantage in the level, whereas blades may provide an advantage at the boss. Many Metroids Komaytos are in this level. Only Melee attacks do damage to them. ______________________________________________________________________________ Air Battle: Pit is greeted out of the gate by Monoeyes, Syrens, and “paratroopers”. Large numbers of them appear to attack Pit for a while. Dodge their fire and take them out quickly. Before too long, Daphnes (flying plant creatures) and a Belunka join in the fray, as well as Corals. Don’t forget that the whale drops enemies, and the Corals explode if destroyed with ranged fire. A souffle appears briefly. Destroy and ignore it while resting/preparing for the next assault. You can use this time to go into glide mode, if you wish. To enter, don’t attack for five seconds, and refrain from attacking afterwards. In this mode, you’ll be able to dodge enemy fire more efficiently. This helps on higher intensities, but isn’t very helpful on lower ones. Mo... Read the rest of this Guide |
Kid Icarus Uprising 04-13-15 02:46 PM |
Kid Icarus Uprising Walkthrough - Part Two! Welcome to part two in a series of nine! Today we’ll be covering chapter two, Pit’s battle against the furious elements and his quest to take down Dark Lord Gaol. Due to the names and such of the bosses, this walkthrough is not entirely spoiler-free. However, I am trying my best to stick to gameplay and such, using only names and such when necessary. Let’s begin! ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2: Magnus and the Dark Lord Recommended Weapon Class: Medium to long range weapons, particularly belonging to three classes. These include claws, blades, and bows. Staffs are not recommended, due to their slowness. You will also be in enclosed spaces at times. This will require a weapon that is good at close range. ______________________________________________________________________________ Air Battle: Pit heads into some nasty weather. Lightning is all around Pit, but will not damage him as of yet. Monoeyes, Syrens, and miks appear to attack Pit. A Ganewmede appears briefly (don’t forget to melee!). Take the enemies out while dodging their fire. Note: Don’t forget that circular motions are good practice earlier on. As you develop skills in air battles, you will adapt individually to each level, learning what sort of motions work best. Soon afterwards, lighting splits down in front of Pit. If you hit it, you’ll take large damage. It likely won’t prove very difficult to avoid, though. Dodge it while avoiding fire from Wave Anglers. If you can manage to destroy the Souffle (a pudding-like enemy with a cherry on top), you’ll gain a good number of hearts. Palutena then sends Pit hurtling downwards, away from the lightning. Shrips (spinning sword enemies) ... Read the rest of this Guide |
Kid Icarus Uprising 04-13-15 02:23 PM |
Kid Icarus Uprising Walkthrough - Part One! Welcome to this series, the first of nine! I’ll be walking you through all of Kid Icarus: Uprising’s nine levels, beginning with the first level. Part 1 will cover Level 1’s introductory Air Battle and Land Battle and provide a separate section for the boss. Each part after it will do the same, with the exception of only a few levels. Let’s begin! ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1: The Return of Palutena Recommended weapon class: Any. ______________________________________________________________________________ Air Battle: After Palutena’s intro, you start off in a battle against Medusa’s minions with the first weapon you receive, the “First Blade”. Dodge fire from monoeyes and wave anglers while taking them out, and soon after the beginning of the level Medusa shows up. No enemies will appear for a brief period of time. You can use this brief time to prepare for the enemies to come. Shortly afterwards, Pit will dive down towards the ground. Five monoeyes appear in a circle. Dodge using circular movements while firing on them. As Pit reaches ground level, new enemies will appear. The Octos shoots purple rings that can be dodged either to the side or in the middle, and the Keron jumps around (sometimes in front of Pit) before disappearing. Take as many out as you can to gain hearts. You’ll need these later on to increase difficulty for better items and unlocking intensity gates (more on that later). Shortly after this assault, Pit will turn around, being assaulted by monoeyes again, and a treasurefish (shoot this to gain a “Happy Trigger” or “Power-Up Drop”). The Happy Trigger causes the reticle to “charge” at a faster rate, and the Power-Up Drop causes Pit not to take any damage for a while. Pit turns around again, this time receiving Recovery Orbs. These ... Read the rest of this Guide |
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